Monday, 12 March 2012

Show Case

The early afternoon session featured a showcase of projects: Crabgrass an alternative social media platforms for protest groups, Briar, a secure news and discussion system, more can be found here. Of interest to me was the presenter of Lorea's reference to the mindset of programmers who would prefer to make software from scratch rather than make use of what is available, which tied into a slightly macho - mines better that yours attitude. She also mentioned the book "The Tyranny of Structurelessness" by American feminist Jo Freeman, which might worth looking at. The classification of a distributed system as federated servers - or Disapora as a federated social network, and from Elijah Sparrow (Crabgrass) that Disapora was once a P2P network but the programmers could not make it work, so they went to a federated network solution.

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