Friday 21 May 2010

Cornmarket Plaz Commission, Dublin 2010

On a more upbeat note I have just got back from Dublin, where I along with civic architects and curator Andrew Chetty, were shortlisted for a commission. The location of the commission, on a triangular public space in Dublin is incredibly demanding site, as it is bordered on all sides by traffic.Our proposal incorporated a community engagement strategy, partnered by Create Dublin and the Digital Hub, an architectural intervention designed by civic:

and a curatorial programme put together with partners; Forma, Transmediale (Germany), Forma Arts & Media (UK), Sonar (Spain), Radar (Mexico) and DoDig (Turkey).

We will see what happens, but either way its interesting what they decide to do as Dublin has been hit hard by the financial downturn, and the role of a public art commission such as this, is very contentious. It would be my plan to interview the council arts officer about the project as part of my PHD.

time delay

Its amazing just how quickly all the connection that we strove for weeks to build, whilst doing LP in Bournemouth, can vaporise. Since the end of phase 1, the collecting of the data, i've not had much todo on the project, due to other partners and myself being weighed down with commitments. This is a real failing of the project, its incredibly important that contacts are maintained, via any means necessary. With LP this has not happened, and now we'll have to wait till the end of the month. Not good.