Tuesday, 22 November 2011


It seems like a good idea to take stock of my recent foray into publishing landscape-Portrait data into the public realm. My first plan was to create several pages in Wikipedia, these would consist of a page about Landscape-Portrait, a page about the discipline of Digital public art and Digital Community Art and one about my own postcode N19 4EH. My plan was to link all these together, and hopefully the next time DBpedia (DBpedia is the Semantic Web mirror of Wikipedia) do an import of semantic data from Wikipedia, turning all the data into RDF LOD these pages would be included. Unfortunately several pages were rejected as a non remarkable concept - the only ones that survived were the LP and Digital public art page. That said I did add some of the video's about N194eh to the upper holloway page, so it will be interesting to see how ts works (there is a live SPARQL query @ http://live.dbpedia.org/page/Digital_Public_arts but it seems to be down at the moment.)

My next thought was to upload all the video content and metadata to Archive.org. Jeff from Archive has been very helpful and this seems a good solution for archiving the work, but it is not available as semantic data, it does however offer a fixed URI for the content so this could be utilised as part of RDF schema based around a postcode, also it allows batch uploads which Wikipedia does seem to offer to new users. With this in mind i have been looking at Freespace, a Google funded initiative which operates in a similar manner to Wikipedia. I created a page for my postcode N19 4eh and referenced the my own video portrait from LP using the fixed URI, however like Wikipedia the page was deleted. The plan now is to work out how to associate this resource with other URI resources which talk about the same entity - i.e. the N19 4EH postcode. I've posted various questions to OKN forums.... waiting for a replay.

I've also suggested an idea to have half hour online surgeries where practitioners, such as myself, can talk to an experienced practitioner about the ambition for a particular project and receive some guidance.

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