Monday 15 February 2010

FIlm As Data

Whilst sitting through a film by Joram ten Brink, Professor of Film and Director of the AHRC Arts on Film Archive, MAD . I kept thinking of this project in terms of film as data. He was talking about his film 'The Man Who Couldn’t Feel’, which he described as as a film as essay. This leads me towards the file formats that contain data about an object, OGG, ITL etc - as well as Apples new format 'Cocktail'. The idea of hacking media files is somewhat different to seeing film as a container of data, but its related (in my head).

This also lead to a memory of microfiche, from my uncles garage, where the size of the card was related to the amount of data that could be stored.

Mmmm - is there a public art file type, that requires certain paramaeters to be filled in order to become viable (funding, engagement, legacy )

I must have a look at hacking some files, soon.

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