Tuesday, 3 May 2011

research analogue

I recently pushed my analogue tv out into the street, it was one of those with small wheels and shelf underneath, upon which was the old video. I left a sign on it saying free to a take, it was gone in 30 minutes, the video was left behind. The image of the video outside my house, on the street, made me think about the impending London based digital switch over, the end of analogue. I was thinking to make a work which commerated the analoque, as cultural history. The use of old media to generate a critique of digital media, how in looking at the tv on the street I was reminded by how absent digital media has made me, us in our neighbourhoods. Would it be possible to have a street of tv's outside of houses, each playing a household selected choice of content. By creating what many critics claim that social media is, but using non digital means, a critique could be developed, the discrepancies between the hype and the reaility of social connections is explored......

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