Read some i
nteresting, if slightly optimistic things about the relationship of Open Data and art. I am now into the process of transferring the dataset created during the making of
Landscape-Portrait into the public realm, ideally as linked open data (LOD) or/and as a Open licensed data dump. The problem with making available as LOD is I need to services of a programmer and this is not cheap. Also part of me thinks that their should be freely available tools so that a fairly technically adept person, such as myself, should be able to do this, otherwise the rhetoric of Open Data is, as I have stated before, is severely constrained around technical ability and economics. So the option at moment is to output the data from LP in a CSV file and load that to various free platforms, such as OKF's
Kasabi (a commercial platforms currently free as its in Beta),
Talis (who are commercial but offer free hosting for not for profits) as well as data sharing sites such as
Googles Fusion Tables. The data will also be uploaded to as well, to allow it to be used and viewed in the future. Another idea is to give the dataset to a hackday and allow it to be processed in that way.
It would be interesting to find a site that specialises in publishing art datasets, not data about art as
Rob Myers has described, but the dataset as art object. Not found that yet ?